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LinkedIn Marketing Services

What makes LinkedIn marketing so essential for businesses

By linking 60 million senior-level executives and 65 million B2B decision-makers within a single social network, LinkedIn becomes a peerless source for lead generation. It stands as a pool of lucrative opportunities, with an abundance of companies and professionals, all concentrated in one online community -and we stand as the most experienced pioneers in this domain.

Take Your Business to New Heights With LinkedIn Marketing

Brand Awareness

It represents the level of familiarity people have with a brand's identity, characteristics, and products or services.Building brand awareness involves consistent messaging, impactful marketing campaigns, and engaging with the target audience across different channels.

Key Metrics

  • Page Followers
  • Post Clicks
  • Engagement
  • Comments

Thought Leadership

A significant 74% of prospects tend to choose the company that provides initial assistance throughout their buyer's journey.By sharing perspectives on industry news, trends, insightful product how-to's, and articles that align with your company's vision, you can position your brand as a trusted and knowledgeable authority.

Key Metrics

  • Page Followers
  • Post Clicks
  • Engagement
  • Comments

Lead Generation

To generate high-quality leads, it's important to know that prospects usually interact with about 10 content pieces before making a purchase. To achieve this, provide a mix of upper and lower funnel content like whitepapers, eBooks, and case studies.

Key Metrics

  • Inquiries & Leads (Ensure you're including tracking codes within links.)

Event Registration

It attracts a wider audience and enhances it by offering convenient event registration for upcoming webcasts and events your company is associated with.

Key Metrics

  • Event Registrants Driven Directly from Your Company Page


Post 3-4x a Day

Engage with & Respond to Followers’ Comments

Change Cover Image Every 6 Months


Necessary For Accessing A Network Of Professionals

LinkedIn, the career basecamp of 600 million professionals, reigns as the top channel for B2B social advertising. With an impressive 4 out of every 5 LinkedIn users possessing the authority to drive vital business decisions, it offers an efficient way to reach those who hold the power to make things happen.

Moreover, these influential decision makers actively seek valuable content. An astounding 91% of executives consider LinkedIn the premier platform for discovering brilliant content.

In fact, if you’re not part of the 94% of B2B marketers already leveraging LinkedIn, you’re missing out on a significant opportunity to stay ahead in the game.

Achieving LinkedIn's Full potential requires a committed team

LinkedIn serves as a dynamic social network, connecting professionals worldwide. Often referred to as an online networking event, LinkedIn attracts ambitious individuals seeking career growth, industry insights, and meaningful connections for exchanging innovative ideas.

On LinkedIn, users share valuable personal information, including job titles, work history, age, location, and educational background. By partnering with a LinkedIn Advertising Agency, you gain the advantage of precisely targeting your ads to reach professionals in specific industries, job roles, and geographical regions across the globe.

Effective Strategies for Marketing on LinkedIn

Our LinkedIn Marketing Services

Whether you aspire to dominate your industry as a thought leader or create an unstoppable flow of high-quality leads, our team of experts is here to make it happen. We combine trust, experience, and data-driven strategies to craft captivating campaigns that captivate your target audience and drive remarkable results.

Target Audience Identification

It is a strategic process that allows you to pinpoint the ideal individuals or businesses for your offerings. Through thorough research and analysis, we dig into the demographics, characteristics, interests, needs, and preferences of your potential customers.

LinkedIn Copywriting

LinkedIn Copywriting is our expertise in crafting compelling and persuasive written content specifically tailored for LinkedIn. We thoroughly immerse ourselves in understanding your brand, target audience, and marketing goals to create engaging copy that resonates with LinkedIn users.

LinkedIn Ads

Our LinkedIn advertising services encompass an array of powerful tools, such as Text Ads, Video Ads, Sponsored InMail, Sponsored Ads, Post Boost, and more. With these diverse options at our disposal, we create impactful ad campaigns as per your objectives and business needs.

Company Page Optimization

We take charge of managing and optimizing your LinkedIn company page to ensure its success. Our team implements relevant keywords and hashtags, creates eye-catching headlines and banners, and crafts engaging articles and posts.

LinkedIn Lead Generation

As the leading LinkedIn Lead Generation Agency, we excel in executing strategies that target the right audience and deliver compelling content. Using prompt CTAs, creatives, lead gen forms, ads, and InMails, we generate quality leads for your business.

LinkedIn Analytics & Monitoring

As a data-driven company and trusted agency partner, we measure all our LinkedIn Marketing activities with relevant analytics on company updates, followers, visitors, posts, etc., to arrive at an optimum RoI and actively improve the campaigns.

Curious about our LinkedIn Marketing Services and packages?

Contact us at +91-8100087678 for customized LinkedIn Marketing Solutions for your business in India.

Goals of Our LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

Organic Linkedin Marketing

Incorporating a LinkedIn organic social media campaign into your overall social media marketing strategy is indispensable. This platform serves as a valuable tool for establishing your authority within your industry, fostering trust, and forging connections with prospective clients and fellow professionals in your field.

To achieve this:

By consistently delivering on this front, you will earn the trust of others and establish yourself as a respected and well-recognized entity within the industry.

Key Components of Our LinkedIn Marketing Packages

LinkedIn Marketing PackageBasicClassicPremium
000 000 000
Lorem Ipsum
LinkedIn Business Page Creation
Goal Analysis
LinkedIn Business Page Optimization
Image Posting3 per week4 per week6 per week
Hashtag Research
Creation Of Group
Invite Connection To Like Your Page
Posting In LinkedIn Groups
Video Posting - (Provided By Client, Edited By Us)1/month2/month3/month
Audience Research
Competitors Analysis
Creation Of Showcase Page
Responding To Comments
Contact Us Contact Us Contact Us

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LinkedIn Paid Advertising

LinkedIn Paid Advertising presents brands with a compelling opportunity to acquire high-quality leads. A standout advantage of LinkedIn paid ads is their goal-oriented approach. By leveraging the robust advertising platform of LinkedIn, business owners and marketers gain precise control over their target objectives.

Why Use LinkedIn Ads?

What makes PPC ads worth considering?

The key factors that make PPC ads worth considering are their ability to deliver immediate visibility, precise targeting options, measurable results, and cost control.

What makes PPC ads a valuable investment?

Guaranteed traffic

With a PPC campaign, you only pay for the clicks you receive, ensuring you get value for your money. In contrast, other marketing approaches like social media or SEO may require a significant upfront investment without a guarantee of immediate traffic or results.

A highly professional audience

The vast majority of LinkedIn users are career-oriented individuals, making them ideal targets for B2B marketing campaigns.

Measurable Results

PPC advertising offers robust tracking and analytics tools, allowing you to measure the performance of your campaigns accurately. You can monitor metrics such as clicks, impressions, conversions, and ROI, enabling data-driven decision-making.

Focused targeting

PPC ad networks use audience data to make their ads work well. It's a great tool! When you use the right platform, you can display ads specifically to the people who are most likely to be interested in your brand. You can narrow down the audience based on factors like age, gender, location, search history, and more.

Career- and industry-centric targeting

If you want to reach people based on their current job, past career trajectory, or the company or industry they belong to, LinkedIn provides an ideal solution.

Dynamic range of ad options

LinkedIn ads offer a versatile array of advertising options, allowing you to choose from an extensive range of formats such as video ads, text ads, and more to effectively showcase your brand.

What’s Included in Our LinkedIn Ads PPC Management?

Our services include:

Initial Consultation

We invest time in understanding your campaign objectives, analyzing the competition, and setting ambitious goals to ensure optimal outcomes.

Text Ad Campaigns

We create compelling text ads that are cost-effective and highly impactful, ensuring your message resonates with your target audience.

Video Ad Campaigns

We assist in setting up video ad campaigns, leveraging their high engagement rates to captivate your audience and drive results.

Dynamic Ads Campaigns

We help your ad campaign evolve with changing market dynamics and insights, guiding you through the process for continued success.

Remarketing Campaigns

Re-engage lost opportunities by targeting those who have visited your site but haven't made a purchase, increasing your chances of conversion.

Sponsored Content Campaigns

Boost your visibility and generate more leads by featuring your promotional content in LinkedIn's newsfeed through sponsored content campaigns.

Custom and Lookalike Audience Development

Whether you want to emulate a competitor's campaign or target a highly specific audience, we assist you in reaching your desired target effectively.

Ongoing Reporting and Consulting

Stay informed about your PPC performance with our comprehensive reports and benefit from our expert consulting to adapt your strategy based on new data.

Experimentation and Campaign Optimization

We continuously experiment with new tactics to keep your campaigns fresh and leverage the latest PPC best practices to stay ahead of the competition.

Dynamic Ads Campaigns

We help your ad campaign evolve with changing market dynamics and insights, guiding you through the process for continued success.

Remarketing Campaigns

Re-engage lost opportunities by targeting those who have visited your site but haven't made a purchase, increasing your chances of conversion.

Sponsored Content Campaigns

Boost your visibility and generate more leads by featuring your promotional content in LinkedIn's newsfeed through sponsored content campaigns.

Custom and Lookalike Audience Development

Whether you want to emulate a competitor's campaign or target a highly specific audience, we assist you in reaching your desired target effectively.

Ongoing Reporting and Consulting

Stay informed about your PPC performance with our comprehensive reports and benefit from our expert consulting to adapt your strategy based on new data.

Experimentation and Campaign Optimization

We continuously experiment with new tactics to keep your campaigns fresh and leverage the latest PPC best practices to stay ahead of the competition.

How We Handle LinkedIn Ads

Our LinkedIn Ads Management Service Delivers Results within the First Month

The Secrets Behind Our Success

LinkedIn Ads Packages

Don't Let Your Competitors Steal Your Customers Act Today! Call us at +91-8100087678 Or Request a Free Quote

Why CITS is the Ideal Choice for Your LinkedIn Marketing Needs

If you’ve been wondering why your LinkedIn efforts haven’t yielded the same exceptional results as other successful business owners, look no further. Your search for the perfect LinkedIn marketing agency ends here.


We have an immensely talented team to offer best-in-class LinkedIn Marketing Solutions


We produce insightful reports that provide significant perspective on your LinkedIn Advertising campaigns


Our team has delivered pathbreaking results through Smart LinkedIn Marketing Strategies


We go the extra mile just to accelerate your business and share the joy of success

Innovative lead generation campaigns
Up-to-date with LinkedIn algorithm changes
Trusted by 100+ LinkedIn Marketing clients
High ROI on campaigns
Data-driven campaign optimizations
Customized strategies for your business goals

General Questions by Client

Here are answers to some common questions that may arrive in your mind.

LinkedIn paid campaign costs depend on several factors. These include the campaign duration, ad type (such as Message ad, Text Ad, Single Image ad, Lead Generation ad, etc.), target audience specificity, and bidding preferences (impressions or clicks). A skilled agency with extensive LinkedIn Marketing expertise can help you achieve a highly effective campaign within your budget.
Organic campaigns on LinkedIn rely on the visibility and engagement of your existing network, with no monetary investment required, while paid campaigns offer the ability to extend your reach to a targeted audience through ad spend. Paid campaigns provide more control over ad customization, precise audience targeting, and faster results, whereas organic campaigns require consistent efforts to build an engaged audience over time. Ultimately, a balanced approach combining both organic and paid campaigns can help improve your LinkedIn marketing strategy's effectiveness.
LinkedIn Dynamic Ads offer personalized and impactful advertising solutions, ensuring maximum ROI. Tailored to each user's profile data, these ads grab attention by displaying personalized details and profile pictures. They work across different marketing stages, from brand awareness to driving traffic and promoting events. A/B testing is available for ad optimization. It's important to consider that dynamic ads are currently only available on desktop environments. Therefore, when allocating your marketing budget to dynamic LinkedIn ads, keep this limitation in mind.
LinkedIn Marketing surpasses other social networks in terms of effectiveness. According to HubSpot, it is 277% more effective at lead generation compared to Facebook and Twitter. The key reason behind this success is likely the presence of high-level decision-makers among LinkedIn users. Remarkably, 51% of companies have acquired a B2C customer through LinkedIn at some point. Furthermore, 38% of B2B marketers confirm that LinkedIn has directly contributed to their revenue generation.
LinkedIn Marketing primarily caters to business needs and objectives but also offers opportunities for individuals to enhance their professional visibility, network, and explore career opportunities.